Business Model Generation Playbook

Value Proposition

17 plays

Hand drawn illustration of

Value Proposition Design

Value proposition playbooks to uniquely address customer needs

These business models are part of the Business Model Patterns printed card deck.

Proven business models that have driven success for global leaders across industries. Rethink how your business can create, deliver, and capture value.

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Blended Value illustration


Blended Value

Maximize both economic efficiency and value to society

Cross Selling illustration


Cross Selling

Add complementary products to an offering to generate additional revenue

Curation illustration



Help customers make decisions by making sense of overwhelming choice

Experience Selling illustration


Experience Selling

Appeal to emotions

Guaranteed Availability illustration


Guaranteed Availability

Provide peace of mind by ensuring a product or service is always available

Ingredient Branding illustration


Ingredient Branding

Focus branding on a specific product ingredient rather than the company brand

Lock-in illustration



Lock customers into your product via technology or product dependencies

Make More of It illustration


Make More of It

Offer part of your value chain as a product or service to other companies

Mass Customization illustration


Mass Customization

Off the shelf personalization

No Frills illustration


No Frills

Deliver a bare minimum product to compete on a low price

One-stop-Shop illustration



Sell a multitude of readily available products or services under one roof

Product as Point of Sale illustration


Product as Point of Sale

Allow frictionless purchasing from within your product

Product Self-Service illustration


Product Self-Service

Let your product automate its own operation and maintenance

Reverse Innovation illustration


Reverse Innovation

Repackage and sell developing world products to the industrialized world

Sensor as a Service illustration


Sensor as a Service

Combine multiple sources of data to craft new services alongside or on top

Solution Provider illustration


Solution Provider

Offer total product and service coverage within a particular domain

White Label illustration


White Label

Allow partners to sell your product under their brand

Important for this playbook

The value proposition is the unique benefit that a business offers to its customers. It is the reason why customers choose to do business with a particular company. A strong value proposition can differentiate a business from its competitors and drive long-term success. In this article, we will take a look at some of the common value proposition strategies and how they are related.

Customizing the product

The business models of Blended Value, Mass Customization, and Make More of It all share a common thread of customization. These models center around the idea of offering personalized and tailored products or services to customers. Blended Value and Make More of It involve creating unique products or services that meet the specific needs of individual customers. Mass Customization, on the other hand, involves offering a wide range of options for customers to choose from to create a custom product or service.

Customizing the experience

Curation, Experience Selling, and Solution Provider all share a common focus on providing a tailored and unique experience for the customer. Curation is about carefully selecting and presenting a specific set of products or services that meet the specific needs and preferences of the customer. Experience Selling is about creating an immersive and memorable experience that goes beyond the product or service itself. Solution Provider is about offering a comprehensive solution that addresses all of the customer’s needs and concerns.


The business models of No Frills and One-stop-Shop share a focus on simplicity. These models center around offering a streamlined and uncomplicated customer experience. No Frills involves offering a stripped-down version of a product or service, with only the essential features included. On the other hand, One-stop-Shop involves offering a wide range of products or services under one roof, making it easy for customers to find what they need in one place.

Innovation and Adaptability

Reverse Innovation and Sensor as a Service both focus on staying ahead of the curve by being innovative and adaptable. Reverse Innovation is about taking products or services developed for one market and making them suitable for another. Sensor as a Service is about leveraging sensor technology to collect data and make real-time adjustments to improve the customer experience.

Lock-in and Product Self-Service

The “Lock-in” and “Product Self-Service” models involve making it difficult or costly for customers to switch to a competitor. Lock-in involves creating barriers to switching such as proprietary technology, while product self-service allows customers to purchase products at any time, without the need for salespeople. These models increase customer retention and drive sales.

These business models are part of the Business Model Patterns printed card deck.

Proven business models that have driven success for global leaders across industries. Rethink how your business can create, deliver, and capture value.

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